2nd Pakistan Paediatric Neuro-oncology symposium (PNOS2)
November 12 - 13, 2021 @Aga Khan University - Karachi, Pakistan

It will be on a virtual platform and all speakers are luminaries in their field with cutting edge lectures and updates.
For details of the program: click here
For registration: click here
After the tremendous success of Pakistan’s first PNOS in 2020. Our aim with PNOS2 is to bring Paediatric Neuro-oncology to the forefront of health services by raising awareness, educating clinicians, and inspiring trainees to pursue this specialty as a career choice. To this end, we have developed a highly educational, scientific programme.
With invaluable support from the My Child Matters Grant (Sanofi-Espoir Foundation), our mission is to continue to contribute to building, developing, and strengthening the infrastructure of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology services in LMICs (Lower Middle-Income Countries).
The symposium aims to:
- Establish paediatric neuro-oncology as an essential sub-speciality of paediatric oncology in lower and middle income countries (LMIC).
- Improve outcomes of paediatric brain tumors in LMIC by creating collaborations and twinning opportunities.
- Provide updates from various disciplines involved in the care of paediatric brain tumors.
Who should attend
All physicians and allied healthcare staff taking care of children with brain tumors
Participants will receive a E-Certificate of Participation.
The Aga Khan University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). The faculty, staff and any individual connected to this activity confirms that this activity does not have any financial relationship with proprietary entities, producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed or used on patients. The activity has been awarded 15.00 of AMA PRA category 1 credit TM upon completion of the pre- and post-test.
Please Note:
- Deadline for submission of registration form: Nov 11, 2021
- Deadline for submission of Abstract: Oct 18, 2021