To apply for membership, please fill out this APPLICATION FORM.
Annual membership fee: | 150 € |
Special student and resident rate: | 75 € |
Allied professionals (e.g. physicists, RTTs, nurses): | 75 € |
Free membership: LMIC: Low and Lower-Middle Income countries (as defined by the World Bank) can register for free membership! Free membership will have to be renewed every year. |
One-year free membership: PROS-ESTRO Teaching Course: Attendees benefit a one-time one-year free PROS membership opportunity. It will then be approved according to your presence at the last course. Please send your certificate to the Membership Coordinator at once you have done your request on the website so it can be approved. |
Free (1 yr) |
This is an interactive internet facility reserved for paid-up PROS members.
This facility is managed by Natia Esiashvili, who will collect all clinical cases sent to her by members. These clinical cases may be enriched by anonymous images.
You will be alerted by email each time a new case is put online, or an answer is given to a question asked by a PROS member.
Access to the forum will be provided after online registration to PROS.
The members Directory is created automatically upon registration.
Please ensure you complete all information and check the appropriate boxes to complete your profile.
The Directory is available only to PROS members.
This is managed by Dr. Jeannette Parkes who will collect all information, comments on articles or thoughts you wish to send.
In this newsletter, you can talk about events which have made an impact on you, or which you feel it is important to share. These may concern scientific articles, congresses, thoughts on training for young people, the handling of tumours in children by health authorities.
It is also an opportunity to compare different practices throughout the world. Please send all ideas, suggestions and comments to Dr. Jeannette Parkes who manages this newsletter.