The signatories to the present statutes hereby found an association governed by the French Act of
July 1st 1901 and the Ministerial Decree of August 16th 1901 and which shall be known as the Pediatric
Radiation Oncology Society - PROS.
PROS is a not-for-profit association. The Society shall hold as its objectives:
- to serve the science and art of medicine and to strive to set a worldwide standard of
excellence with respect to radiation oncology aspects of the care of children and adolescents
with cancer;
- to provide a forum for communication between radiation oncologists and to exchange
information with all those involved in the management of pediatric and adolescent cancer,
namely through meetings, correspondence and the internet;
- to promote and assist joint projects, including cooperative clinical trials on radiotherapeutic
approaches and techniques;
- to promote cooperation with other organizations also concerned with pediatric and adolescent
cancer; and
- to develop alternative treatments and guidelines for low and middle income countries.
The Society's registered office shall be situated at the following address: Centre Léon Bérard, 28 rue
Laennec, F-69373 LYON cedex 08, FRANCE. The Society's registered office may be transferred to such
other place as the Executive Committee may determine.
Proposed amendments to the Society's statutes shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at
least 6 months before the annual Congress and will become effective if approved by a majority of the
Active Members present at the General Assembly.
Dissolution shall be proposed, processed, and voted upon in a manner identical to the stipulated for
Amendments. Should the Society be dissolved for any reason, any assets will be disposed of at the
discretion of the Executive Committee.
1. Categories of Membership
- Honorary Members: members honoring the Society by their presence in light of their title,
experience, achievements or services rendered to the Society.
- Active Members: paid-up members actively involved in pediatric and adolescent radiation
oncology, participating in the life of the Society and fulfilling the conditions defined in the
Society's By-Laws.
- Members from Low and Middle Income Countries (as listed by the World Bank): active
members who pay reduced annual fees.
- Allied Health Members: paid-up members such as physicists, dosimetrists, technologists
and nurses who are actively involved in pediatric and adolescent radiation oncology,
participating in the life of the Society and fulfilling the conditions defined in the Society’s
- Trainee Members (clinicians undergoing formal training in Radiation Oncology as validated
by a letter from their department head/chairman or residency or fellowship program
director): active members who pay reduced annual fees.
o Trainee members will pay full membership rates the year following completion of their
training programs.
2. Procedures
A. Application for Active Membership is made directly on line on the PROS web site. If there
are doubts concerning a candidate’s eligibility for membership, the final decision will be
made by the Executive Committee.
B. Recommendations for Honorary Membership
- Candidates must be sponsored by two Active Members or by the Executive Committee.
Acceptance requires approval by a majority of the Active Members at the General
- Honorary members have the right to participate in all meetings but may not vote and
are not eligible to hold office on the Executive Committee. However, they may be
appointed to other committees, working groups or commissions.
- Honorary members shall not be required to pay membership fees.
C. Admission
- If there are doubts concerning a candidate’s eligibility for membership, the final decision
will be made by the Executive Committee.
D. Termination
- Termination of membership can be brought about either by submitting a letter of
resignation to the General Secretary or by failure to pay membership fees without
justification, or through decision of the Executive Committee if, in the opinion of the
latter, the member has not acted in accordance with the accepted ethics of the medical
profession or has otherwise acted to the detriment of the Society.
- In this latter case, the member has the right to appeal the Executive Committee’s
decision at the next General Assembly. Approval by a majority of the Active Members
present shall be required for reinstatement.
E. Membership Fees
- Membership fees shall be paid yearly and voting at the General Assembly is conditional
on payment of the said fees having been received. Reminders will be sent one month
before and one week before the day membership is due to expire and one month after.
Should membership fees not be received, membership will be terminated.
The resources of the Society shall include:
- Grants from state, regional and local authorities.
- Revenues generated by services supplied by the Society.
- Revenues generated by payment of membership fees by the Members.
- All other resources, grants or donations from public or private-sector organizations and
which are not restricted by the international laws in force.
The amount of the Society's annual membership fee shall be fixed by decision of the Executive
Committee and ratified by majority vote at the General Assembly.
The Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President (3-year term), a
President-elect (1-year term), a General Secretary (3-year term), a Treasurer (3-year term), a Past
President (2-year term), an Ex-officio voting member who is the Local Organizer of the next Congress
(2-year term due to the biennial nature of the Congress), two educational officers one for North
America also Publications Officer and one for Europe (3-year terms), the SIOP liaison officer (3-year
term, renewable), one officer in charge of the forum and website (3-year term), one officer in charge
of the newsletter, one membership liaison officer (3-year term), one representative for low and middle
income countries (3-year term), and two representatives of the Allied Health professions (3-year
A. Responsibilities of members of the Executive Committee
- The President
The President shall safeguard the Society's moral interests and shall monitor compliance
with its statutes. He or she shall supervise the Society's business and shall monitor
compliance with the decisions of the Executive Committee. The President shall bear the
role of the legal, judicial and extrajudicial representative of the Society in all civil acts.
He or she may delegate the exercise of his or her representative functions to other
members of the Executive Committee. He or she will supervise organization of the
biennial Congress according to the rules set out in the Society’s By-Laws. He or she will
be a member of the Executive Committee and will participate in all of the Society's
meetings and the taking of all decisions.
The President will remain in office for 2 years following completion of his or her term in
the role of Past President. In this capacity he or she will participate in the management
of the society.
-The President-Elect
He or she will assume the position of President at the end of his or her term.
- The General Secretary
He or she will be a member of the Executive Committee and publish the minutes for
General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings. He or she may designate an
assistant from the hired managing body to draft the minutes. He or she (or a designee)
will hold a register of the proceedings of the General Assembly and the Executive
Committee meetings. He or she will draw up a general summary of each Congress and
will update the list of members and all general information required for faithful
operation of the Society.
- The Treasurer
He or she shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall monitor the Society’s
accounts. He or she shall hold detailed accounts and shall report on the said accounts
at each General Assembly or at such time as the Executive Committee may request. He
or she shall be responsible for arranging a annual audit of the Society’s accounts.
-The Ex-officio Voting Member
He or she will be the local organizer of the next Congress. The term shall be for two
years and will expire at the end of the Congress.
-Educational Officers: one for Europe and one for North America
He or she will coordinate with the Ex-officio Voting Member to organize the Scientific
Committee for each meeting.
He or she will be in charge of organizing teaching courses and on-line teaching
materials in addition to any functions at the meeting.
-Publication Officer
He or she will work with the Editor-in-Chief of the official journal of the society chosen
by the Executive Committee to coordinate publication of papers presented at the
-Liaison to SIOP
He or she will act as a liaison between SIOP and PROS. He or she will coordinate
meetings and educational and scientific activities between the two societies.
B. Election of the Executive Committee
- With the exception of the member responsible for the newsletter and the liaison to
SIOP who are appointed by the Executive Committee, all other members of the
Executive Committee are elected by the membership via the PROS website. Except for
the President, President-Elect, and Past President other member of the Executive
Committee may be re-elected once only at the end of his or her first term.
- The Executive Committee shall nominate candidates for all officers to be elected. Any
active member may be proposed for membership of the Executive Committee.
- Proposals should be submitted in writing to the General Secretary three months
before the vote and are subject to agreement to stand by the candidate.
- Elections of officers shall be held one after the other in secret ballot. A majority vote
shall be required for approval.
- Members of the Executive Committee will assume office at the end of the General
C. Duties of the Executive Committee:
The duties of the Executive Committee shall include the following:
- to conduct the annual meeting, supervise the overall affairs of the Society, define the
Society’s policies and propose or review applications for membership;
- to propose and/or review the format and theme(s) of the biennial Congress;
- to propose amendments to the Statutes and By-Laws;
- to fill any vacancy by appointment from its membership until the next General
- to determined annually the membership fees;
- to oversee the function of the Scientific Committee; and
- to appoint as necessary any ad hoc special committess, working groups or
A.Administrative Meetings
- The Executive Committee will meet in person at least annually and will be convened
by the General Secretary. Other meetings will be held using modern communication
technologies: voice conference, videoconference, web conference, etc.
B.Biennial Scientific Congress
- Every two years, the Society's members shall gather together for a scientific
Congress. The date, time, and place of this meeting shall be decided by the members
of the Executive Committee after examination of the bids presented at each
independent PROS Congress.
- Every 2 years in alternance with the above, the scientific Congress shall take place at
the same time as the Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology
· The rules for the conduct of the scientific Congresses are as follows:The
Local Organizing Committee will make all the necessary arrangements for the
meeting (venue, hotels, administration, documentation financial
management, etc.).
· The Local Organizing Committee will submit a proposal to the Executive
Committee with a detailed budget for all cost items linked to organization of
the event. Each biennial scientific Congress will be regarded as a separate
financial entity and its expenses will be the responsibility of the Local
Organizing Committee. This will not preclude a contribution from the Society’s
funds at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
· A financial report as well as a report on the Societies’ activities shall be
presented to the Executive Committee before each event.
· The local organizer, together with the organizing agency, must present a
budget every 3 months to the President. Should there be any administrative
problems, the Executive Committee will take all final decisions.
· The Scientific Committee (with the agreement of the Executive Committee)
shall plan the scientific content and program of the Congress, solicit
contributions from the members, invite speakers, choose chairpersons, select
scientific material for oral, poster or video presentation, and coordinate the
overall scientific program and its timetable.
C. General Assembly
- The Society's General Assembly shall be held on the occasion of the annual scientific
Congress (PROS or PROS/SIOP).
- The General Assembly may be held at any other time required by the interests of the
Society and shall be convened by the General Secretary.
- The General Secretary shall also convene a General Assembly on request by other
members of the Executive Committee or by one quarter (¼) of the Society's
- Notice of the General Assembly shall comprise the agenda and shall be sent to all the
Society's members at least 30 days before the anticipated meeting date.
- The Treasurer will present an annual statement of accounts and shall submit a twoyear
budget for approval by General Assembly.
D. Standing Committees
- Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee will consist of the two education officers, the president, the
past president, the local organizer, another member of the Scientific Committee
named by the Executive Committee, as well as one representative of the Allied Health
professions. The Scientific Committee will be co-chaired by the education officers.
E. Other Committees, Working Groups and Commissions
- The Executive Committee may appoint as many committees, working groups or
commissions as it deems necessary. The decisions of such committees must be
approved by the Executive Committee and may be modified as required by the
Executive Committee.
- Commissions and working groups shall meet at the annual meeting. Any other
meetings will be held at the discretion of the chairpersons of the said commissions
and working groups and the Executive Committee.
After approval of the present Statutes and By-laws, the first formal elections for the Executive
Committee shall take place.
All Active Members thus far accepted by the ad hoc committee on PROS membership shall be entitled
to participate in these elections.
Signed in the city of Lyons, France, on this XX day of [month], 2005
Dr. Christian Carrie
PROS Committee on Constitution and By-Laws.